Poetry was the topic for this week
We never saw it coming, the little sneak
In class we had to make a poem out of words from a newspaper article. I though it would be difficult at first, but mine came out surprisingly well.
We also learned that poetry is everywhere, and that there are many more types of poetry than we thought, or at least more than I thought. Not all poetry is some flowery rhyme about beauty or love.
For our discussion forum post, we had to write a ballad about a murder in the news that had a love theme. This is mine:
A tale of woe on Christmas Eve
Missing was Laci Peterson
Her home she did not choose to leave
But without a doubt she was gone
She was pregnant with a baby boy
So that makes two lives destroyed
At first Scott was thought to be innocent
But his story was inconsistent
Scott was having an affair with Amber Frey
And 15 days before Christmas Day
He told her he had lost his wife
But at this time she was still alive
Scott Peterson was arrested
And through circumstantial evidence
Scott was found to be guilty
And was given the death penalty
I feel that I can enjoy poetry more than I have in the past. I really should try to find some good poems. Maybe an epic, those look interesting.
I loved your Scott Peterson ballad. Who are you calling a little sneak...haha